As any childcare, Daycare Ditmas Park is centered on regulating child’s development, improvement and advance scholarly success, but as per our knowledge and professional experience, there’s one thing that concedes us from others. Demonstrated by scientific research, the most important skill for successful child’s development is to understand their personality and navigate them to the proper usage of it.”
Why Choose Us
Daycare Provider Letter
As any childcare, Daycare Ditmas Park is centered on regulating child’s development, improvement and advance scholarly success, but as per our knowledge and professional experience, there’s one thing that concedes us from others. Demonstrated by scientific research, the most important skill for successful child’s development is to understand their personality and navigate them to the proper usage of it.
From a very early age kids demonstrate their capacities, talents and courage, and our work is in assisting them to transform their weaknesses into strengths. We endeavor to discover a personal approach to each child, so our program incorporates such sorts of exercises as child centered play, floor time exercises, self-guided learning demonstration, and child centered learning. Child Centered Learning allows children to be active contributors in their learning process. This kind of exercise enables children to teach themselves with instructor’s steerage; it assists in boosting their personal interest, commitment, self assurance and progressive capabilities, and helps them to increase higher knowledge, reasoning, and hassle-solving capabilities.
Self-Guided Learning methodology
Floor-time Play allows children to discover their very own path and discover ways to be strong-minded to various different situations and environments, while being cooperative and considerate with other children. This kind of exercise is extremely useful in promoting self-management, creative thinking, yet teamwork and cooperative skills.
Self-Guided Learning strategy is one of the foremost dynamic procedures and genuinely meets the necessities of the 21st century. As known, everything changes, and century of technical progress demonstrates that well. Children are hit the most, as they are required to meet the demands of a changing environment. Self-Guided Learning is the strategy of learning which is centered on adjustment to changing conditions, so from an early age, children learn how to adjust, take the initiative, demonstrate self-management, self-efficacy, and self-esteem in spite of the conditions and the environment.